Proposal letter to Governor Sisolak -Re-opening Tattoo Shops in Nevada
As many of you know March 17th, 2020, we were ordered to closed our doors by orders of Nevada Governor Sisolak due to Covid-19. It was to continue until April 30th, 2020 but then was extended to May 15th, 2020 to "phase 1". We understand the severity of Covid-19. As a shop, we have donating super-sand clothes to help a hospital that was out of stock.
Our governor formed "LEAP" to help advise him on what business should open at what phase. I was already in the works of preparing our re-opening plan. With my experience in the legal field, I prepared my official letter to the governor and to other government officials that are part of LEAP.
As many of our clients and artists know, we keep our studio at higher expectations than what is required. We feel like as an industry, we all need to come together. To express that we are businesses like others that follow strict regulation even before Covid-19 was even a risk.
There are celebrities and other artists that chimed in on how tattooing should not be allowed. I believe they can feel and believe whatever they like but just like certain business have own plan shouldn't mean that it's what some of us agree with. I believe we can tattoo and keep the clients safe.
I have attached our letter and exhibit 2. My original letter is 79 pages long and it will not post but please feel free to contact your government official and make a stand.